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Project List

Title Year
Formative Research and Trials of Improved Practices for Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) in Bihar, Alive & Thrive, 2015 2015
Formative study to understand perceptions of parents and community based structures regarding rights and entitlements and redress systems within the RTE Act as well as the motivations/triggers for seeking redress in 6 states, 2014. 2014
Impact Assessment of USC Indian Television Survey, 2014 2014
Communication Scoping study to engage 18 select SC and ST population groups in 5 states, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Jharkhand, & Uttar Pradesh, 2013 2013
Pre-test of 10 Kyunki… Theme based Mini Movies, 2010- 11.  2011
Pre-test of AB Polio materials, 2010-11.  2011
Pre-test of AB Polio materials, 2010-11.  2011
End line Survey of “Bell Bajao” Multi Media Campaign on Domestic Violence and HIV/AIDS, 2010- 11.  2011
Pre-test of Facilitators’ Guidebook and Video Guide for implementing Ammaji Kehti Hai videos, 2010-11.  2011
Designing and pretest of Pre and Post session evaluation tools for 42 interactive FFL videos ‘Ammaji Kehti hai’2010-11.  2011
Round 1 & 2 Effectiveness Study of Meena Ki Duniya Radio Programme in Uttar Pradesh, 2010-11. 2011
‘Galli Galli Sim Sim’ impact study, 2010-11.  2011
Intervention Assessment / Concurrent Monitoring for the ‘Facts for Life’ Entertainment-Education Drama in Telugu ‘Idey Mana Jeevitam Lakshayam’in Andhra Pradesh, 2010-11.  2011
Intervention Assessment & Concurrent Monitoring for the ‘Facts for Life’ Entertainment-Education Drama Serial ‘Kyunki Jeena Issi ka Naam Hai’ (Phase-3), 2010-11. 2011
Meena Effectiveness 2011
Baseline Study before the broadcast of ‘Meena Ki Duniya’ Radio Programme in Uttar Pradesh, 2009-10.  2010
Six rounds of Pre-test ‘Meena ki Duniya’ Radio programme Episodes, 2009-10.  2010
Conducting study of Content Analysis of Print Media coverage on road safety issues-end line evaluation,  2010
Pre-test of TV spots on ‘Age of Marriage,’ 2009-10.  2010
Pre-test of Creative Materials on H1N1, 2009-10.  2010