A formative study was undertaken to understand existing perceptions among parents regarding their children’s entitlements within RTE Act and the available redressal mechanisms. This study for MoHRD and UNICEF aimed at identifying barriers, motivations and triggers for parents that deter or prompt them to seek redressal. The study was conducted in six states and one district from each state was selected based on evidence or records of grievance being registered or redressed. The study approach was qualitative with a mix of PRA techniques. The respondents for the study were primary stakeholder’s i.e parents of school going children from government and private schools and parent members of SMC and secondary stakeholders such as NGOs, school teachers, district and block education officers, members of SCPCR/REPA, and CPC/PRI/SHGs/AGGs members. The barriers, motivations and triggers that the study revealed would be used to guide the development of the mass media materials to raise awareness regarding the redressal mechanisms within RTE Act.