Over the past three decades, CMS has carved out a niche for itself as an inter-disciplinary professional body with a wide range of concerns and capabilities.
Who We Are?
Established in 1991,CMS* is an independent,not-for-profit organisation dedicated to multi-disciplinary research-driven initiatives that enable policy makers to take informed decisions on development and social change to improve quality of life. We have been engaged in Research, Advocacy and Capacity building in Social Development, Environment, Communication, Transparency and Governance issues at local and national policy levels.
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CMS is recognised for its rigorous study methodologies, innovative approaches to research and for the credibility of its findings.
As on March 2020, we have completed over 700+ projects in collaboration with partners across the globe.
How We Work ?
We believe that, "Research is not an end in itself but a means and an objective way of leading to advocacy, empowering and achieving social equity." Research can guide us through change and should inform decision making and public policy. We also believe that local knowledge and values are vital in building sustainable lives. Our approach is collaborative and stakeholder involvement has always been at the crux of what we do. Our projects help to build capacity and strengthen institutions to equip our partners for the long term.
CMS works in 8 dynamic teams which synergise their efforts to promote equitable development & responsive governance in the country:
The first four teams focus on the core themes of CMS research. The last four teams focus on specialised services provided by CMS. Some popular initiatives of CMS include:
CMS VATAVARAN - environment and wildlife film festival and forum www.cmsvatavaran.org
India Corruption Study - annual studies on corruption in public services
Transparency Review Journal to track implementation of Right to Information Act and related issues.
In a nutshell, CMS promotes active citizenry by engaging corporations, creating media alliances, supporting policy makers and developing civil society partnerships to address emerging national challenges.
Where Do We Work?
CMS has a fully-equipped National Office in New Delhi with state-of-the-art research, documentation, data services and training facilities. It also has a network of field researchers across all the states of the country with a strong contact base across the globe.
Centrally located campus Located in the heart of New Delhi, the CMS National office has its own five-storey building, which has proximity and ready access to several important organisations, data sources, and several government departments and facilities. CMS also has well equipped in-house data processing and high-end computation facilities, with broadband connectivity along with sophisticated software tools for statistical analysis.
What Makes Us Different?
We combine the qualities of:
- A non-profit and non-partisan research organisation.
- A committed facilitator in handling complex Social Development, Environment, Communication, Media,Transparency and Governance issues.
- A research based think tank committed to rigorous and objective analysis to support improved policymaking.
- Research based advocacy and capacity building initiatives.
- Promote engagement of young professionals in research and evaluation.
- Ability to work effectively with diverse stakeholders including media, corporations, policy makers and civil society to address equity challenges.