1. Market needs of the media industry and skill requirements- In-depth interviews of 30 experts, industry professionals and senior academician were conducted to assess the key trends and quality issues in media education.
2. Training needs assessment among news media faculty- CMS Academy surveyed 60 media graduates, 30 media faculty and 30 media professionals for this part of the research study.
a) TOT Plan for Indian News Media Faculty: Based on the research findings the Training of Trainers plan for Indian News Media Faculty will be drafted. The TOT would include looking at developing the skills of educators across the value chain. Both the creative and technical aspects of training would be included in this TOT plan. Efforts would be made to distinguish the different development requirements of faculty in skill development, vocational education, technical and higher education. A special focus would be laid on innovative research and pedagogical techniques for teaching in different types of institutions. This plan would be shared with a larger audience through the interactive website to use this framework to develop it further.
b) Quality Parameters for Media Education in India- This project will advocate for establishing global standards for media education in the country. To initiate this process the project will focus on developing the first draft for quality standards in news media education based on the intensive research conducted on media institutions of the country. The quality standards would address issues like minimum standards required for news media education curriculum, faculty, laws, ethics and regulations etc.
c) Initiate Indian Media Faculty Council (IMFC)- The faculty/trainer development program will help to organize the faculty by creating the Indian Media Faculty Council (IMFC). This council will provide a nurturing platform for all trainers from different institutes to share learning's in a systematic and consistent manner. This council will also look at encouraging internal and external funding to help collaborative innovative industry relevant research initiatives. It will work to strengthen linkages between the media industry and academic set-ups. This council, will not only help in research based innovative pedagogy in the field of media education but also help to advocate for a regulatory body that would help to standardize media education in the country. A council mandate would be drafted including membership constitution. This would be shared online with all media institutions. Efforts would be made to seek online/ telephonic confirmation of memberships to ensure successful launch at the end of the project.