Mahila Vitta Vikas Nigam (MVVN) was the implementing agency for the project funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has been implemented in six districts namely, Balaghat, Mandla and Dindori (three southern districts) and Chhatarpur, Panna, and Tikamgarh (three northern districts of Bundelkhand region) of Madhya Pradesh, during July 2007 to September 2018. The focus was on social mobilization through formation of SHGs as the basic instrument of empowerment of women with the belief that SHGs would not only help women access financial services and take advantage of new or improved livelihood opportunities but also provide them a forum for delivery of other services. The overall goal of the project was to enable poor women to make use of choices, spaces and opportunities in the economic, social and political spheres for their improved well-being, growth and progress. The purpose was to uplift the status of women through their participation, collective efforts, and mutual assistance. The project also aimed to enhance the participation of women in decision-making processes and control over their lives and livelihoods.
On behalf of Planning & Policy Support Unit Society, Madhya Pradesh State Planning Commission (PPSUS-MPSPC), the end line impact assessment was undertaken by CMS Social team in 2018 and focused on four impact domains of the project namely, Grassroots Institution Building, Microfinance & Banking Services, Livelihood & Enterprise Development and Women’s Empowerment & Social Equity. Using mixed methods approach a sample of 2700 households across Tejaswini- beneficiary and non-beneficiary households were covered for the study. The survey was conducted using computer assisted personal interview (CAPI) tool in tablets. Besides quantitative survey, qualitative data was also gathered through Focus Group Discussions-FGDs in Programme Villages and Non-programme Villages and Key Informant Interviews with Federation Representatives and other stakeholders.