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Formative Research on Improved Maternal & Adolescent Nutrition (MN), Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Practices through Social Behavioral Change in Jharkhand IPE Global, 2020

Research Support to Nutrition Communication Services ♦ A formative research was conducted in Jharkhand for IPE Global with the objective of identifying specific sub optimal IYCF and maternal nutrition practices, the determinants of these practices and the context in which these practices occur. In addition, the exercise aimed to identify feasible solutions to these sub-optimal practices and the most appropriate delivery platforms for these solutions. In-depth interviews were conducted with pregnant women, lactating mother, adolescent girls and mothers of 6-24 months and 3-6 years’ children to identify dietary diversity, food habits, child feeding practices and the barriers and the enablers, their self-efficacy and perception about community’s ability to practice recommended behaviours. Study involved traits among caregivers, IDIs with health (FLW, Doctors) and ICDS officials (CDPOs, LSVs) and PRI representatives. Besides exploring about their perception of community practices, their own barriers and facilitators to deliver improved services, their self-efficacy to deliver and their involvement in Nutrition Services were explored towards developing a SBCC strategy for Jharkhand.